E-commerce implementations
Other Case Studies
E-commerce implementations

MW Art - handling production and e-sales in Comarch Optima

MW Art creates paintings and handicrafts and operates its online store. They have some of their merchandise in stock and produce some on order. On a daily basis, they work with Comarch ERP Optima software, combined with a WooCommerce-based store. Everything is tied together with SellIntegro integrations.

konrad szatkowski

Adam Kadłuczka

automation specialist

Production of goods

<frame>Od czasu do czasu do producenta wpływają zamówienia na produkty, których nie ma na stanie magazynowym.<frame> Wówczas powstaje potrzeba przekazania takich zamówień do produkcji. Zobacz, jak poukładać ten proces, aby realizacja zamówienia przebiegła sprawnie i bez niepotrzebnych błędów.

<highlight-white>Stały monitoring stanów<highlight-white>

At the outset, it is necessary to determine whether there are products in stock that the customer wants to order, or whether they need to be outsourced for production.

  • If there are high stocks on the product in stock - forward the order for processing.
  • If inventory is low, forward the order to production.
  • On the other hand, if the products covered by the order are not in stock, either close the auction or take the product off the store or extend the lead time (which will give the necessary time to produce the goods).

<highlight-white>Przyjęcie zamówienia<highlight-white>

Then filter the orders and divide them into two groups - paid and unpaid. This in turn will allow you to start monitoring unpaid orders and:

  • Send customers an e-mail reminding them of an overdue payment,
  • if the order is not paid within a certain period of time (e.g., up to 7 days after it is received by the store) remove the reservation of goods in stock, and return the commission to the marketplace and send an e-mail to the customer with information about the removal of the order,
  • forward the order for processing once it has been paid for.

<highlight-white>Realizacja zamówienia<highlight-white>

<highlight>Główny etap<highlight> - czyli realizacja zamówienia - rozpoczyna się od rezerwacji towaru, razem z wystawieniem dokumentu WZ lub jakiegokolwiek innego, który jest potrzebny do dokumentacji obiegu towarów na produkcji. W przypadku, gdy towaru nie ma na stanie:

  • The system generates reports (e.g., every day) with the cumulative number of unfulfilled orders waiting to be produced in production,
  • in the case of complex products, it is possible to break them down into individual items including those that do not have stock,
  • if the store uses integration with, for example, a WMS, the integration transmits a set of documents to the system and monitors the process,
  • while if the store does not continue to use the integration with, for example, the WMS, this one only checks whether the product has been created - if the receipt of goods is registered, the order is further processed.

On the other hand, when the goods are in stock, the order fulfillment process begins (Described in Case Study - Telephones Leszno on our blog).

Then begins the stage of preparing the order for shipment, the course of which can be carried out according to several procedures, depending on the method of shipping the order, its dimensions or postal code.

<underline> Sposób wysyłki i gabaryty<underline> realizacja zamówienia w tym przypadku rozpoczyna się od kompletowania i pakowania produktów oraz wydrukowania listu przewozowego, który nakleja się na paczkę. W tym momencie można posortować paczki według kurierów, tzn. aby wszystkie paczki czekające na konkretnego kuriera znajdowały się na jednej rampie. Natomiast w przypadku pierwotnego sortowania paczek gabarytami, następuje automatyczne ponowne sortowanie pod kurierów, aby właściwe paczki znajdowały się na jednej rampie - w przypadku zastosowania taśm przy pakowaniu, możliwa jest pełna automatyzacja transportu zamówień na odpowiednią rampę.

<underline>Kod pocztowy<underline> w tym przypadku osoba odpowiedzialna za pakowanie, np. kierownik magazynu tworzy trasy poruszania się po magazynie dla pakowaczy. Posortowana grupa zamówień trafia do pakowania. Pakowacz nadaje paczce status “spakowane”, a następnie drukuje wewnętrzny list przewozowy. Teraz paczki mogą być ładowane do transportu według wybranej kolejności.

<highlight-white>Monitoring paczki<highlight-white>

The parcel monitoring procedure is analogous to the procedure from the Case Study - Telephones Leszno on our blog.

Information about a package waiting to be picked up by a courier can be communicated to the customer via email or SMS. However, courier companies usually use their own systems to automate the sending of notifications about the status of the package's transportation. Therefore, it is not recommended to additionally create your own notifications from the store.

Na etapie odbioru paczki przez zamawiającego, można automatycznie ustawić, by w tym momencie wysłać do niego <highlight>fakturę na adres e-mail<highlight>. Warto także wysłać do klienta maila z podziękowaniem za odbiór paczki, wybranie naszego sklepu oraz z prośbą o wystawienie opinii o realizacji zamówienia.

Custom cases

Return - if the product does not meet the customer's expectations, the customer can make this return. Then the status of the order is updated and, depending on the store's return conditions, a refund to the customer and a commission to the marketplace is possible.

Parcel unclaimed - if the customer has not picked up the parcel, the order receives the corresponding status, and information is sent to the warehouse to prepare a document that confirms the receipt of the parcel back to the warehouse.

Parcel lost - if the package is lost in transit, the order receives a new status and is given priority. It is important that the customer is informed of this fact. You can automate this process by sending an email to the customer, but for the sake of quality customer service, it is better to inform the customer directly.

Parcel canceled - if the parcel has already been paid for there is a refund of shipping costs and commissions to the marketplace. A good solution is to send an email to the customer asking why the order was canceled and encouraging them to buy again.

Why automate processes?

Organizing the processes in an online store and warehouse is crucial for scaling its structure and increasing the number of orders processed. Running your processes according to a set procedure helps you maintain control over every stage of order fulfillment and thus react instantly to problems that arise, such as missing inventory or a package lost in transit.

Dla przyspieszenia realizacji procesów oraz minimalizacji pojawiających się błędów nieocenioną pomoc stanowi automatyzacja. <frame>Zautomatyzowane procesy odciążają pracowników sklepu i dzięki temu pozwalają firmie rosnąć pionowo, bez konieczności rozszerzania załogi o nowe osoby.<frame>

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About the author of the article:

Our content is created by people actively involved in the projects in question.

Adam Kadłuczka
Adam Kadłuczka

Automation Specialist

On a daily basis, he supports our clients by introducing automation in their companies. He specializes in the implementation of OMS systems and analysis of dedicated processes. He supports our developers in the implementation of dedicated integrations according to clients' business needs. Thanks to his knowledge of the most popular marketplaces, accounting programs and ordering systems, he knows how to combine them into one coherent system.

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